All Kind of Players Who Play Clash of Clans

All Different Types of Player in Clash of Clans ( COC )
Type of clash of clans player on the basic:

1. Hunter - This class gets all their gold, elixir, and trophies by raiding people and winning. Most common class.
2. Farmer - Doesn't care about anything but resources. Normally has low trophy count. Gets their gold and elixir from pumps and mines. 
3. Defender - These people defend their village with high-powered defenses. Raid people only when necessary. Gets their gold and elixir from pumps and mines. Gets their trophies from defending against attacks.
4. Achievement Hunter - Only cares about the GC achievements. Earns their exp and gems that way. Gets resources from pumps, and gets trophies with doing achievements.
5. Gemmer - Buys gems for everything. Gets resources from pumps or gems. Gets trophies from raids.
6. The socialite - knows everyone, friend to most usually leader or top of the donations table
7. The spammer - spends most of their time on global, for them, someone joining is a win
8. The racist - hates everyone who doesn't happen to be their colour - thankfully rare
9. The traveller - pops in and out of clans picking up donations as he goes
10. The horticulturist - really should think about weeding the garden, it's getting overgrown there.

The worst kinds of Clash Of Clans players you have definitely encountered:

1. TH rushers ‘Can I join your clan? I’ve got a TH10!.. and wooden walls. 

2. Goblin donators  You’re under attack. Your defences are taking a pounding. Suddenly, they trigger your Clan Castle defensive ring. The doors open, and out streams…. five goddamn Goblins. 

3. Wall Breaker donators Even worse than Goblins, and bizarrely one of the most expensive troops relative to the housing space in the game, so a total waste for the giver as well as the receiver. ‘But they’re like little suicide bombers!’ I’ve heard people claimed. Only if you’re being attacked by an army of walls. They do 50x damage against bricks and mortar, but that’s it. 

4. Non-donators Even worse than Goblins and Wall Breakers – nothing. You know those people who come on and make a troop request and clearly, ignore yours? Instant boot(boot mod player). 

5. War sleepers The score is 49-50. You’re down by one star. There are 5 mins of war left. That new guy you let in last week has two attacks left. You told him what time war started. He doesn’t show up. You lose the war.

6. Attack wasters I once had a guy in my clan who was so annoyed at somebody donating Wall Breakers, he used his last remaining attack in a very tight war to conduct an all Wall-Breaker attack. He isn’t in the clan anymore. Calm down!

7. Looters ‘This base has already been two-starred? Um, let me just attack it again, just to make sure. ‘For the good of the clan, you know?

8. Loot-failures ‘Sure I’m 48th in the clan rankings, but I think I can snipe that TH11 with my lv2 archers.’ 

9. Name changers It is hard enough keeping track of the 39 stupid names in the clan. We now have two people with the same name and one comedian who changed his name to You – which is hilarious in chat for about five seconds.

10. Clan hoppers ‘arun would like to join your clan’ ‘Hi, I’d like some reinforcement troops’ ‘arun has left the clan’.

11. Kids ‘Can I have Elder? Can I have Co-Leader? Can you let my mate in? ‘Can you kick my mate out? 
